Friday, November 18, 2011

Thanks for stopping by...

Thank you, WORLD, for visiting my blog this week.

*United States *Brazil *Russia *Austria *China *Germany *United *Kingdom *Portugal *Slovakia *South Africa

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Don't know how this happened...

... But, I have very smart kids.  I like to claim they got their brains from their momma; but probably not.  My girl currently has a 4.026 GPA in high school; I'm positive I was nowhere near... POSITIVE.   We were all so proud of our girl as she accepted her certificates of achievements during high school Academic Lettering assembly we attended today.   Her example of hard work and perseverance reflects in her school grades.  Today she was recognized for a number of achievements along with several of her closest friends, which gave me even more reason to be proud.  I love that she has surrounded herself with the cream of the crop - each girl unique; talented and bright.  Today was a good day.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Some Good News...

Effective immediately, after having proven himself a conscientious, hard worker, my boy has been offered full-time status at his job.  Glad he's giving this, his first job, such tremendous effort, and that this effort has been recognized so soon after starting at job.  I can tell he is thoroughly enjoying this new endeavor.  Proud that he nobly, selflessly, is doing all he can to provide for his family during difficult times, but especially relieved that he can now refocus attention on health needs.  He's a great kid... My boy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Last Night...

... standing at the kitchen island, words were shared, truths spoken; was asked to not give up.


There are all kinds of self-help books for everything under the sun, but none offer solutions for what's happening to families like mine all over America. If you know of such a manual, guide or plan, maybe something titled, “Home Sweet Homelessness” or "The American Dream... WAKE UP!" please, let me know. I could sure use some tips, advice, and resources to help recover from trauma of job losses during the first decade of the 21st century. *Hunger and homelessness should not be an option.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November 13th ~

... has so far proven to be a very boring day.  Sadness might overwhelm.