Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 14th ~ Deja vu. Oh no! Not again

Let's go back and compare:

AUGUST 2003, Explanation of Financial Hardship letter Rick provided mortgage company indicating reason for not being able to make our monthly home mortgage payments. He checked: Unemployment; Reduced income (only my social security disability benefits); Too Much Debt; Job Relocation.

He also wrote: November 1st 2002 (WHAT IS IT WITH HIS ALWAYS GETTING LAID OFF IN NOVEMBER?) lost job after 17 years with same company. Have been unable to find job for past six months in Houston market. Have exhausted all financial funds available including 401k, severance account, and unemployment benefits. Started temporary job but income is not enough to cover current mortgage payment and living expenses. All job opportunities I have been pursing are out of state and it looks as though I will be forced to relocate out of state. I had the house on the market for the past year and have not received any offers due to a slow market and large "new home" market. Please refer to attached documents and thank you for your consideration.

What I wrote to prescription drug manufacturers was this:  *** (transcribe letter for free meds here) ***

Flash forward to present day:

AUGUST 2011 it is deja vu all over again! But, just a tiny - okay, enormous - bit scarier.


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