Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How-To Lessen Severity of Downward Depressive Spiral...

Do not make sudden and drastic changes in daily habits and typical patterns during the holidays.  Especially if this is the first year - in last twenty - you are spending the holidays off various medication for mental illness like bipolar disorder.

I've reduced television viewing this week to 1 hour CNN in the morning, and an additional couple hours in the evening, as opposed to having cable news shows tuned from 7:00 am to 1:00 am - with only slight interruption from a smattering of favorite episodic television programs here and there, depending on the day, or sometimes a movie.  I think I made a mistake forcing myself to not watch as much television - doesn't help there really isn't anything great on or much to catch up on recorded on DVR - because my brain can't take this "down" time.  Not only have I been terrifically bored, scary thoughts have been weaving about, kinda freaking me out.

It's winter break and my girls are home from school all day, but they pretty much keep to their rooms, also, my boy is at work during the day, and the husband keeps to his room almost 24/7.  Although we enjoyed a late morning outing into Denver today, I guess since having returned, I'm reminded just how lonely I am for some company and conversation.  Not much our dogs, Shadow and Sombra, can do about that.

So before I go completely out of my mind, I'm gonna go get my CNN on.

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