Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3rd ~ Bright Spots Shining On Dark Times

For nearly three years, I spent most days feeling anxious, worried, scared, fed-up, and lonely.  I had to deal with being a single parent while my husband lived and worked outside the U.S.  It was hard - the last year, a nightmare. I'm glad - GRATEFUL - it's over.  He may be out of work and our family without income, but he's home safe and sound; back where he is needed most. It was tough trying and failing to sustain two households.  I did the best I could.

Today my prayers and desires are:  That our family not fall apart.  That we be strong and have faith that better days are upon us.  I pray for a good paying job for my husband. That we have the ability to pay bills and take care of all debt which goes unpaid.  I pray that we be able to purchase our own food and everyday needs and not have to ask for charity. I hope the kids and I will succeed in finding part-time jobs soon so that we can remain in our home.  All the while,  I patiently plead with God, and all the angels and saints for peace of mind, and that our circumstances not get any worse.

I look for bright spots during this time.  Like when my husband's hand sits on my shoulder as we quietly discuss the "What ifs" and "Whens."  Quiet bedtime kisses from everyone warm my heart.  And, puppy snuggles... well, what is better than that.  These bright spots will light our way toward better days.  That's what I pray.

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