Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29th ~ One Week's Journey: From Walking on Eggshells to Navigating Water Balloon Covered Path *way less messy

What a difference a week makes.  TO BE CONTINUED *gotta eat!

Up hours earlier than usual... back to reading #JUSTICE What's the Right Thing to Do? #goodbook

Just applied for job at neighborhood car wash. Took less than 5 minutes! My kind of application.

When my Disability Benefits cease, soup week will be 4 times a month.

How does one prepare to shatter family when the time finally comes to exit a failed marriage; Don't know who to call 1st - priest, counselor

I guess I'm going to find out.

Sent a message: Why are we not worthy of greater effort to change things? Reply: Tell me what you want. *He's applying for ANY job near home

Okay. Early morning chat eased things a bit. Everything is on the table; feelings shared, fears spoken, truths told.

Time to make loads of uncomfortable, unsettling phone calls... bill collectors. #prayforme & #wishmeluck

Call to SSFCE Asset Recovery Center was most unpleasant; had to be done. It's over. *I think I'll go throw up now.

I said, "You don't participate." "Why don't we matter?" "We are of no value to you" He said, "Tell me what to do?" *I thought, I did.*

Job search update: No word today from Carwash Express or H.R. Whole Foods since submitting yesterday's online applications.

I invited the hubs to join me for 9am mass at St Thomas More tomorrow. He said yes. #seehowthatgoes

Love ya! No more walking on eggshells here. Atmosphere much improved - still delicate; however, mostly united.

As a family floundering on unemployment, disability, that's it, right? We will be relying on 19 y/o son's p/t job income $600

So if my disability; hub's unemployment stop. mo income will be approx $600 for fam/5 & 2 dogs

Today, a blog reader wrote me and said "You are the strongest woman..." Huh? Thanks kind lady, and thanks for reading each and every post!

Every day we are delinquent on this house it feels like stealing. #gutwrenching

We are untied, vs united. Russell Baker's GROWING UP speaks of what we lack today - kinship, family assistance

Heart-to-heart w/ husband other night revealed no hope for future in previous profession: Homebuilding

Good ol' days. Today, I can no longer afford to buy soaps, personal care products of any kind!

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